Step 1 Download one of the marvelous blank templates from Refuelled Step 2 Upload it to your WordPress themes folder and activate it. Step 3 Edit the CSS in Firefox to fiddle with the colours and size. Copy and paste the edited CSS into your styles.css file. Oh I also stuck in the very cool […]
Author: sebleedelisle
3D landscape in HTML5 canvas

You may have noticed that I’ve been playing with some technologies other than Flash recently, and you know what, I’ve been really enjoying it! So, just for fun, I thought I’d see if I could make a very simple 3D engine using the HTML5 canvas drawing API. I took code from the 3D lunar lander […]
Big and Small finalist in .net awards
We’re thrilled to see that Big and Small made it to the finals of the .net awards this year, especially when you see the amazing other finalists that also made it. And also Papervision has made it into the Open Source category – brilliant! And other friends are there too: Saqoosha for his amazing FLARToolkit, […]

Today I am launching the most ridiculous site I’ve ever made. It was inspired by something that happened at this year’s brilliant FlashBelt, where we all decided to get together and pay some poor guy’s parking ticket. [sorry, viddler video no longer available] I don’t know why we did it, but it seemed kinda […]

You probably realise I’m a bit of a space nut. Could it be the cheesy pictures of me in mission control at the Johnson Space Center? Or the fact that I dropped everything to see Buzz Aldrin speaking in London a couple of weeks ago? Or perhaps the fact that my most prized possession is […]
I’m very pleased to be running a Papervision workshop at Flash on the Beach this year! What better excuse to come to my home town and learn everything you need to know about getting up and running with Flash3D!? I’ll also be showing you how to use FLARToolkit, RenderLayers, and loads more. I may even […]
It’s about that time of year where a few of us Flash speakers get together and have a good old whinge about Adobe’s speaker expense policy. In fact it’s become somewhat of an annual tradition. But this year Adobe have ruined our fun by blatantly covering speakers full expenses including flights and hotel! Seriously though […]

You may have noticed that I’ve been a little quieter than usual over the past few months. And for that, I’m sorry. But there’s a very good reason for that! Me and the my very talented colleagues at Plug-in Media have been hugely busy working on the biggest and most ambitious Papervision3D project we’ve ever […]

I’m always on the lookout for ways to speed up our project work and also some of the inner workings of Papervision3D, and I must admit, sometimes it reaches fairly obsessive levels, bordering on unhealthy. In fact sometimes the minor optimisations are so insignificant, it can just be an exercise in problem solving. Which let’s […]
Lunar Lander 3D in 5K
Remember Lunar Lander? One of the very first arcade games ever? Well, actually, if I’m honest I don’t really remember it when it came out in 1979 (I was only 7 at the time), but I do think it’s a very, very cool game. For starters, the display didn’t use scan lines like a normal […]