I think I might be onto something with this CreativeJS training. I’ve been experimenting with the parameters; small class size, good mix of learning and playing, and some time to focus on things the attendees specifically need. And now I’m coming to America! NYC, San Francisco and Kansas City, to be precise. The momentum seems […]
Tag: html5
HTML5 Canvas 3D particles

Yesterday I met Renaun Erickson from Adobe, who told me that he took my basic 3D engine, compiled it with the Flash CS5 beta into an iPhone app, and demoed it the very next day at the 360 Flex conference at Adobe! It gave me a few ideas about how to optimise it so perhaps […]
Simple 3D in HTML5 canvas

On Saturday at BarCampBrighton4 I explained the basics of 3D rendering using the simple HTML5 canvas drawing API. As promised here are the files : //demos.seblee.me/canvas3d/canvas3d1.html //demos.seblee.me/canvas3d/canvas3d2.html //demos.seblee.me/canvas3d/canvas3d3.html //demos.seblee.me/canvas3d/canvas3d4.html I’ve been meaning to do a screen cast of this for a while, so please let me know if it’s something you’d be interested in and […]
3D landscape in HTML5 canvas

You may have noticed that I’ve been playing with some technologies other than Flash recently, and you know what, I’ve been really enjoying it! So, just for fun, I thought I’d see if I could make a very simple 3D engine using the HTML5 canvas drawing API. I took code from the 3D lunar lander […]