Just a quick note to say I’ll be speaking at FlashCamp in London, and I hear that they’ve given away 300 tickets already so it should be a really good one! I’ll be speaking about my work with Papervision3D at Plug-in Media, and also demoing some of the more fun aspects such as the big […]
Category: News
Review of 2008 – in pictures
I must admit to having the mid-winter blues a little right now. And for no real reason! So what better time to remind myself of all the good work I did last year? 🙂 2008 started with an incredible development in my life – I was invited to join the Papervision team. I was thrilled […]
FlashBrighton wins Strongest Community award
I’m delighted and surprised that my local user group, FlashBrighton, won the award for Strongest Digital Community at the DIMA:s on Thursday night! We’ve been going for roughly three years and I manage the group along with Jo Summers, Richard Willis, and the rest of the team. There are over 200 Flash developers and designers […]
10K Geekathon, in pictures
Just to prove I actually did it, in true geek style, I twittered my progress (perhaps to the annoyance of my followers, but since when did that ever stop anyone twittering anything? 🙂 ) So far I’ve raise £675 which is absolutely AMAZING! And £75 away from my target, so please sponsor me if you […]
Yes! I’ve nearly reached my target – thank you SO MUCH everyone who has sponsored me so far. I very much appreciate your generosity and can assure you that your contribution is going to a great GREAT cause – Cancer Research UK. BUT I’m not there yet – PLEASE sponsor me if you haven’t already! […]
Have you ever found any use for any of my stuff? That nifty particle effect on your game? That 3D Papervision website? Or perhaps you’ve just found my wry sense of humour somewhat amusing? Now’s your chance to thank me! But I don’t want anything from you. No, I’m asking you to pay it forward! […]
Comments now re-enabled
OK so WP-SpamFree didn’t work out so well – it was blocking everyone’s comments. I thought it had got a little quiet around here! So I’ve disabled it. Comment away!
Captcha broken
Hmmm, someone just told me that my captcha system hasn’t been working… I wondered why it was so quiet around here! (Although I did enjoy the lack of spam comments!) I’ve disabled the captcha system while I’m researching alternatives. I hate to use those things, but I get so much spam I have no choice. […]
Computer Arts Particle Article now online
[kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2008/sparkparticles.swf” width=”480″ height=”300″ FVERSION=”9″ QUALITY=”high” /] Excellent! I just found out that Computer Arts magazine have posted the article I wrote for them online as a PDF. So you can learn how to make a particle class from scratch and using it to create basic particle effects such as sparks and smoke. Here’s the […]
Interactive Digital Fireworks – new video!
Note: this post is many years old but I’ve left it here for historic reasons – it’s the first time I made an interactive fireworks project which eventually led to the development of PixelPyros and Electric Laser Flares It seems like I’ve been promising to write this one up ever since November! And now I […]