I’ve been back from honeymoon for a couple of weeks, and I’m finally getting back into the swing of work! There have been a few developments, more of that soon, but first of all I just wanted to let you all know that myself and Carlos will be presenting at London’s LFPUG on 29th April. […]
Author: sebleedelisle
Just married! :-)
And what a amazing day it was! We had Dom (from Plug-in) playing the ukulele for us during the ceremony, and were greeted by a 70 piece choir (thanks Hullaballoo!) as we left the town hall! And later, our guests were “treated” to a song from Jenny and I along with a tap dance routine […]
How to change @author in your ASDocs
For OSX at least… Step 1 Navigate to /Applications/Flex Builder 3/ Step2 Right click on the app, Flex Builder and select explore package contents. A new finder window should pop up with a folder called “Contents” Step 3 Open the file Contents/MacOS/FlexBuilder.ini with a text editor of your choice. Step 4 Add the following line […]
How to set up ASDoc in Flex Builder
I’ve basically spent about a day working out how to use ASDoc, and all I can say is, what a nightmare! If I wanted this kind of unintuitive, problem-ridden, poorly-documented ridiculousness I’d be a Linux user! (no offense meant, but you Linux guys seem to thrive on this sort of thing!) Excluding external libraries Our […]
I landed in Amsterdam this morning at 8.15am feeling a little achey and strange after running the Brighton half marathon yesterday! I’m just going over my presentation in my room, and I’ve just realised I haven’t actually uploaded the working files you’ll need to work along with me! But don’t worry you can download them […]
Just a quick note to say I’ll be speaking at FlashCamp in London, and I hear that they’ve given away 300 tickets already so it should be a really good one! I’ll be speaking about my work with Papervision3D at Plug-in Media, and also demoing some of the more fun aspects such as the big […]
Papervision3D wormhole in your webcam!

I must admit, I never really saw the point of augmented reality. It just seemed like a gimmick. But now I’ve been playing with it a little I’m hooked! And now I know it’s just a gimmick. But it’s such a pleasing gimmick I can’t seem to resist it! You may have seen my presentation […]
So get in quick!
Papervision training course

We’ve just announced my 2-day Papervision training course for early in March, and for this week only you can get it for the early bird price of £275. Two full days of training will give you everything you need to know from setting things up, all the way through to importing models, interactivity, and even […]
Review of 2008 – in pictures

I must admit to having the mid-winter blues a little right now. And for no real reason! So what better time to remind myself of all the good work I did last year? 🙂 2008 started with an incredible development in my life – I was invited to join the Papervision team. I was thrilled […]