Yes! The cat is indeed out of the bag with big announcements planned on September 23rd. And FlashBrighton will be celebrating in style with its very own launch party on the 24th September. Watch this space for more information.
Author: sebleedelisle
Big in Japan
I’m noticing a lot of links coming from Japan lately, they seem to be particularly taken with my Papervision reflections… But this one particularly caught my eye – this nice chap (or chapess) has made a pretty 3D butterfly, along with its reflection… nice! And even nicer, they’ve included source. Have you made something nice […]

Part two of my particle tutorial in Computer Arts is featured in issue 152, August 2008. Using the skeletons on the Plug-in Media website as an example, I take you through how to blow things up in Flash! [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2008/particlesskeletonswithtextfragged.swf” width=”480″ height=”300″ FVERSION=”9″ QUALITY=”high” /] Source files are included on the CD – let me […]
It’s long been a bug bear that you can’t dynamically change a cube’s materials, so I’ve just committed a simple update that has simply moved Tim Knip’s clever material swapping methods from the DAE object into the DisplayObject3D. So now we can call replaceMaterialsByName on any DisplayObject3D! So you can use it by calling : […]
Want to work with me at Plug-in?
We’re looking for an AS3 coder to come and work with us on a short term project here in sunny Brighton. It’s a great chance to get to know us all at Plug-in Media, and it could turn into a permanent job, if it all works out well. We’re building a flashy micro-site for a […]
Papervision training – win $125 off!
I’m just putting the final touches on my training workshop in Cologne next week and as there are a few spaces left I thought it may be fun to have a little competition to win $125 off a ticket! So I worked it out with the Rich Media Institute and can now offer the discount […]
Two FlashForward Award nominations
I’m absolutely delighted to announce that for the second year running we have (not one but) two projects as FlashForward Award finalists this year! Our first finalist is our work with (that’s Major League Baseball for those born under a rock or outside the USA 🙂 ). We developed a Papervision3D component for their […]
I’m now taking on the 2 day Papervision course in Cologne on July 30th and 31st. (Ralph’s had to pull out due to a family illness). And I can get you 10% off! And all you have to do is be able to spell my surname! The promo code is Lee-Delisle. For more information and […]
Real reflections in Papervision3D!
You know I’m a fan of the Papervision BasicView, it’s just such a good entry point into Papervision – so easy to work with, and you can even extend it for your document class. But how cool would it be if you could have something as simple as a BasicView, but that automatically created a […]
Where did my camera go?
Some of you may have noticed that the FreeCamera3D and FrustumCamera3D classes have mysteriously disappeared from the latest version of the GreatWhite alpha test Papervision trunk. But don’t panic! There’s a perfectly logical explanation for it! Tim Knip has been working tirelessly to simplify and refactor the Papervision3D cameras. And what an improvement! There is […]