
Interview with digital artist Robert Hodgin

On the latest episode of the Creative Coding Podcast, I had a long chat with Robert Hodgin. Perhaps best known for gorgeous sound reactive particle systems that later became the default iTunes visualiser, he talked to me about his background, his process and what motivates him. You can listen to the entire interview here, but […]


Technical Reviewer: Making Things Move part 2

Whenever anyone asks me to recommend a good book to learn ActionScript 3, I always tell them to run on over and buy a fresh copy of Keith Peters’ Making Things Move. In fact I was quite gutted when the first AS2 version came out; I’d spent the previous 2 years working out how to […]


Particle tutorial part 2 in Computer Arts magazine

Part two of my particle tutorial in Computer Arts is featured in issue 152, August 2008. Using the skeletons on the Plug-in Media website as an example, I take you through how to blow things up in Flash! [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2008/particlesskeletonswithtextfragged.swf” width=”480″ height=”300″ FVERSION=”9″ QUALITY=”high” /] Source files are included on the CD – let me […]