[kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2007/introweb.swf” width=”445″ height=”340″ FVERSION=”9″ QUALITY=”high” /] All set for the Phlash5 gig tonight (see previous post), or at least as ready as we’ll ever be! By the way the venue has changed now to BB Kings – it’s next door to Howl at the Moon, by the way. I’m not sure who’s responsible for […]
Author: sebleedelisle
Flash stars form rock supergroup!
Don’t you hate it when Flash speakers act as though they’re rock stars? After show parties, crowds of fans, and not to mention the inflated egos. Well now I think we’ve taken it a step further with the announcement of Phlash5, a rock band made up entirely of Flash speakers! And our debut gig will […]
[kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2007/intro.swf” width=”445″ height=”340″ FVERSION=”9″ QUALITY=”high” /] Bit of a last minute one this! But here are the source files for my AS3 particles session at FlashForward. As ever, please bring your laptops – this is an interactive session! Check out the submissions from last year’s session. [no longer available, sorry] One of the most […]
I’m just in Manhattan at the moment for a couple of business meetings, before I take the train tomorrow for FlashForward Boston. It’s all a bit of a mad rush but it’s looking like it’s going to be a superb conference, the speaker line-up is impressive, and I’m finding it hard to make decisions on […]
Here’s the recap from part 1: I turn up to Mix07 Eeek loads of scary net developers! Booo. They’re not that scary! Hooray! Shiny buttons. Soooo shiny. Oooo cool 3D in Blend! Yay! Oh it doesn’t work in Silverlight. Booo. Why use Silverlight? Streaming video. But Flash can do that! But not as cheap. So […]
Flash player 9 reaches 90%
Oh look, I just noticed that the new Flash player penetration rates for June 07 have been posted! Nice!

I’ve just arrived home from a rather busy couple of days in London. I was the guest of Microsoft at their Mix07 conference. And by guest, I mean that they called me up the day before to find out if I could give a one hour long presentation about my work. But I like that […]
What I have to put up with in the office…
Dom’s ukulele band have an impromptu rehearsal while I’m trying to program…
OMG – a personal blog post!
Regular subscribers of my blog will realise that I very rarely post about anything non-Flash related! I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not… well you decide 🙂 But I realise I’m a bit behind on posts, I have at least 2 posts that are VERY delayed (superCacheAsBitmap for one – and […]
Just a quick post to show off one of the new effects that was in my recent FlashBelt session on particles. [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2007/sparkler.swf” width=”445″ height=”280″ FVERSION=”9″ /] I’m really pleased how this one came out, it’s a combination of a little spark particle and a smoke effect, although the smoke looks a little more like […]