And continuing on my mission to upload all of my tech demos, here’s a little example of the cel-shading in our Flash 3D system. [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2007/swfcontainer.swf” width=”445″ height=”200″ FVERSION=”8″ BGCOLOR=”#ffffff” fvars=”swfFile=/wp-content/uploads/manual/2007/3ddemo-cellshading04.swf ; frameSnapshot=1 ; swfScale=100 ; timeoutFrames=250″ /] [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2007/swfcontainer.swf” width=”445″ height=”200″ FVERSION=”8″ BGCOLOR=”#ffffff” fvars=”swfFile=/wp-content/uploads/manual/2007/3ddemo-cellshading03.swf ; frameSnapshot=1 ; swfScale=100 ; timeoutFrames=250″ /] It could definitely […]
Author: sebleedelisle
3D cloth simulation in Flash
OK so the huge game is over and about to be published (link coming here soon). Now I’ve had a chance to catch my breath I’ve realised that I have loads of tech demos that never really made it online. So in order to make up for that I’m going be uploaded loads of little […]
Bitmap Parallax Techniques
OK so it’s go go GO on this huuuuge platform game – 9 levels and a 1st March deadline. Yes, Christmas is cancelled. So I suspect that I may go a little quiet on the blog for a bit… But… I thought you may like to know, I’ve been doing a little test on the […]
Every now and again you find something in Flash that you can’t believe you’ve ever lived with out. Thank goodness Tom Kennett (one of the FlashCodersBrighton) showed me the FlashMX XPathAPI. Never will I have to custom write an XML parser again! To use the XPathAPI, first you import the library : import mx.xpath.*; Let’s […]
Flash on the Beach review

Well it’s been a week, and I’ve been sooo busy I haven’t even had a chance to post a quick review of Flash on the Beach! We’re just at the negotiation stages of a HUGE Flash game, so watch this space for more information. Mario steals Dom’s ukulele (photo: Marc Thiele) It was an awesome […]
As a special Christmas gift, I’ve made a snowing screensaver for Plug-in Media to give away! I’ve been working on edge detection in images, so now the snow settles on the surface of objects in any bitmap : [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2006/snowscreensaverexample.swf” width=”450″ height=”330″ FVERSION=”8″ SCALE=”noborder” fvars=”imagename=/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/snowpicture3.jpg” /]Photo – Jorg Mueller So I thought it’d be fun […]
FOTB Flash 3D source files
My Flash on the Beach session went really well, I had a great time and a good turnout despite the early hour (and it was the morning after the official FOTB party!) As for the 3D Flash source files, I promised them so here they are! FOTB06 – 3D in Flash source files [Files no […]
Cool Flash 3D (on the beach)
Wednesday 9.30am – Flash on the Beach Unbelievably, December has hit us with all the force of a runaway train, and Flash on the Beach is upon us! And even more unbelievably, I’ve actually got my whole presentation planned and ready to go! BRING YOUR LAPTOPS! we’ll be working through the exercises there and then, […]
Filmed in PLUG-IN-O-VISION, it’s become the living, breathing manifestation of Frankenstinian innovation. Dare you enter and bear witness to Flash wizardry, actionscripting of monstrous proportions, terrifying illustration and insane creativity? Ahem. In other words, after months of development, and nearly 40,000 lines of code (I just counted!) the Plug-in Media site is finally finished! Just […]
Flash on the Beach in 20 days!
[kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/manual/2006/flashonthebeach.swf” width=”450″ height=”320″ FVERSION=”8″ SCALE=”noborder” /] It’s so exciting to have an international Flash conference, right here in my home town. I’ll be speaking in the morning of day 3, and I’ll be taking you on an exciting quest to find that elusive 3rd dimension! In other words, how do you do cool 3D […]