
If you can’t beat them…

hahaha so I finally succumbed and started my own blog. It was largely due to the great feedback I had from my sessions at FlashForward this year. And yes I’ll be posting up some of the demos that I showed there. 🙂

I’m planning on mainly using this site to log the work and experiments I’m doing, but I may sneak in the odd non-related post from time to time!

In the meantime, continue to send me emails, perhaps it’ll remind me that I need to keep this site updated…

3 replies on “If you can’t beat them…”

Flash Forward
I loved your presentation. Thank you for making it interactive. During the presentation someone from the audience submitted a ball demonstration with other balls attracting to it.

Is there a way to obtain source file or to contact the submitter? I am working on a “game” function for a project and need something similar.

please have him contact me at

hey yoonsun,

thanks so much for your feedback! Perhaps you may be better off commenting on the post about this session : //

I believe I have the source code that you were after – I’ll do a follow up post with some links soon as soon as I get a spare minute!



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